Sunday, 30 December 2012

Google Hacking Techniques

Google hacking Tricks : 

Google hacking is a technique that uses Google Search and other Google applications to find security holes in the configuration and computer code that websites use. Some search techniques are used for extracting exact information from the Google database .  You can find special operators here :

1. Use the "+" sign to focus a search for an overly common word . Use "- " sign to exclude a term from search . 
eg. Mullet usually used for two things 1) Haircut and 2) Fish . If you simply search for the mullet then Google shows the mixed result like 

If you search smartly then you will get smart and best result . If you want mullet fish then search  mullet -haircut . Then you will get result related to mullet fish 
2. To search for a phrase , use " " surround the phrase . like " Sand sharks" . This will search about the sand fish instead of sand and sharks.

3. A period (.) serves as a single character wild card  

4. An asterisk represent the any world - not a completion of world .

Google advanced operators uses a syntax that refine the search . you can find more operators in following video .