Monday, 24 June 2013

How To Block Website on Google Chrome

Now blocking of website is so easy . Some time blocking of website is  organizations need and some time you don't want to make visible site to your family and children. You can block thousands of website even you don't need to follow complex step (like change host file ) .

For blocking website on Google Chrome you need to follow these simple steps . 

Step 1 : Open Google Chrome Browser . 

Step 2 : Type "Google Chrome Extensions" and Click on the First Link.

Step 3 : Type Site Block in text box. 

Step 4 : . Add Site block to Chrome by click on button "ADD TO CHROME".

Step 5 : Go to Settings - > Extensions and Click on the option button 

Step 6 : Type the websites which you want to block and Click on the "Save option". 

Step 7 : Now close the tab and try to open blocked websites . These sites will not open in Google Chrome .

Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Downgrade Window 8 to Window 7

If you don't like window 8 and want to install window 7 again then you will be happy to know you can degrade Window 8.

The Professional edition of Windows 8 comes with “downgrade rights.” If you’re not happy with Windows 8 on a new computer, you can downgrade it to Windows 7 for free – as long as you have Windows 8 Pro.

You have to follow following steps for degrading window .

Step 1 - Open "Elevated Power Shell" in window 8 . 
Go to "Apps" and type in search box "Powershell" .

Step 2 - Now type Confirm-SecureBootUEFI.

Step 3 - Verify the output 

If system returns true that means BIOS is set to Secure Boot and go to step no 4 .
If system returns false that means BIOS is not set to Secure Boot and go to step no 5 .

Step 4 - Reset BIOS to default . 

a) Go to settings -> Change PC settings -> General -> Advance Start-up - > Restart Now -> Troubleshoot -> Advanced option -> UEFI Firmware Settings then select Restart .
b) Now select setup defaults (may be F9 )
c) Select option "Save and Exit" (may be F10)
d) Disable secure boot control (Optional if  popup window came )

Step 5 - To Boot up your DVD .
Click on the UEFI and Press Enter.

Now you can install window 7 in your system .

Monday, 3 June 2013

Increase System Speed - Using External USB (Pen Drive) as RAM

By connecting a USB stick to a window computer you can speed up your system using Ready Boost .Window Vista and above include a new feature Called Ready Boost that enable you to plug in a flash memory or SD card to store commonly used files for quicker access.

For increasing speed you need to follow just a simple steps :

1:  Insert a Flash memory (Pen Drive ) or SD card into system .

2- Click on the "Speed up my system " icon of the the "Autoplay " popup window . 

3- Click on the option " Dedicate this device to Ready Boost" and then "OK" button .

4- Verify the Flash Drive memory status.

Now use device and you will get increased speed . Enjoy a increased speed of system .